Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts

26 Oct 2014

Chandeliers for sale and why I admire, respect and love my disability - do you, or do you WANT to change?

Mother 4 Justice - Elizabeth Robillard blogs and shares truth and information

Successful and happy people live their lives in gratitude and servitude and learn to celebrate all life's little foibles and quirks. Libertarian Socialism as wot UKIP stands for (and Identity, big issue with me) so is certainly then, the perfect choice for the more discerning disabled, centrist.

One of the negative things to seriously consider though, aside from pain and terror (such as that inflicted by IDS) with disability, is suffering the maddening daily abuse of being undervalued and patronised.

 I know that Stephen Hawking would have something to say about this as would my own lovely son, Jamie - were he allowed to communicate about his bullied torture and other unbearable mistreatment and terror inflicted by RBKC legal department (please provide the info requested RBKC)  The corruption in RBKC runs deep, it's not just legal, there is trafficking and hate crime, misfeasance, conspiracy and more. All landing squarely at the feet of Conservative HQ, don't blame the oligarchs Norman, they have great taste in chandeliers, ask my friend Jess's husband - Tim Graves. He works for many an oligarch and is a delightful designer. Everyone in London loves chandeliers. Here's mine. Gonna alter it a bit and add some more crystals though. Also just bought a beautiful peach one on sale at Amazon (bottom). Only a few left. get yours now - nice Christmas pressie.


just bought (for 15 quid!)

19 Oct 2014

Diane Abbot says Labour mustn't be too UKIP about things

There was me thinking our favourite piss 'ed would be joining that sexy and happy and tax-respecting determined band - when she said today 'Labour mustn't overdo the UKIP '- or some such gem. She once said on BBC London (or was it LBC?) that she used to drink THREE BOTTLES OF WINE JUST FOR LUNCH' made the hard corer weekend drinkers worry for the future of North London did that - still. I have known some other fab lushes from there. Very harsh, snappy and rude some of them, squirrel killers too - but usually - heat of gold with priorities in order. Come on Diane, aint ya sick of all that whining yet? Listen to our reggae you can't argue with it.  Join