24 Dec 2014

IBS and what to do - it's *your* problem - not the doctor's!

I've known quite a few people who've suffered bad IBS but they haven't registered that food > mouth > gut > bad ?

  It isn't THAT hard to get it that folk with IBS need a special diet. They are bothered a lot but (often) not enough to change their eating habits. A gluten free diet may help but if you do have IBS - go white-sugar and bleached bread flour free for at least a month and keep a food diary. 

Too many of us live in a world where the magic pill is the answer (and too much much of a good thing always works against you) and we depend too heavily on medicine to control things rather than seeking (and eliminating) the cause of the problems. Sometimes it's as simple as stopping the tap water or stopping white sugar. not easy always but life can be hard.

  Giving in to cravings is for little kids, so act a little more your age and take responsibility for what you're eating and how it affects you, before you get too ill to manage. 

Take charge of your gut.  Ask to see a Nutritionist too.  Elizabeth Lucye Robillard Cert.Nutri

Read about how white sugar and white flour also affects arthritis here

 *TIP - it helps to make a list of foods you can eat as opposed to those you can't

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