27 May 2013


The torture is similar to 'One Flew Over The Cuckoos' Nest'- terrible violations, no dignity, no Human Rights. CLEARLY there are other campaigners here, some 'eccentric', some simply traumatised, all angry and terrified bar a few. The placement of approx half detainees, is plainly wrong. The staff are mostly lovely bar a couple who misuse psychiatric terminology - if you laugh you're labeled 'manic' if you show displeadure, you are deemed 'psychotic'. As an agoraphobia sufferer, I am terrified - not least due to 'Ranu' (ward staff) threatening me with restraint ' you will do what we wamt or we will force you/hold you down with a load of big guys, you won't like ir' She added 'we are after 100% compliance'. There is no reasoning. The people organising are (not exhaustive list)  1. Dr.Mehan (retired now),Dr.Kovacksm (Polish Canuk, nasty) Dr.Higgit, Dr.Keirnan, Dr. Hussein. Social workers include Tracy Yarde and John Holden (psycho). Most staff seem great but retraining is def needed. Liz Robillard,  St.Charles'Hospital, London, W10.  No diagnosis - detained 24 Days so far.

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